Inner Healing Week...

Posted by Amanda , Monday, February 1, 2010 8:18 PM

Speaker: Christy Scott

Topic: Inner Healing

Wow. This week has been amazing. We’ve been talking about inner healing and the lies that we are deceived into believing about ourselves and God. All of our problems have a root and we have to go back to that root to get healing. The only way we can get healing is through the truth and the truth is Jesus. We also talked about strongholds and soul ties, as well as finding our identity in God first and then in ourselves. Really, what it all boils down to is God. If we look to Him, and only Him, we will find healing.

One of the most interesting things we learned this week is that your beliefs (about who you are, the world, ect.) are developed between the ages of 0 to 6. Even things that happen while the child is in the womb affect that child’s beliefs. If a woman was to get pregnant and didn’t really want the child, that child would be born already feeling rejected and would carry that feeling of rejection their whole life unless they get healing from that. This totally reinforces how important children are, because the things that happen to them when they are young are the things that shape who they are for the rest of their lives. We spend our whole lives trying to get past these things that happen to us when we are young. Some people even live their whole lives without getting any healing from their past and are stuck with those same insecurities and problems from when they were little.

When I was thinking about that this week, I looked at myself. I grew up with amazing parents, an awesome childhood, in a nice small town with a great school, but still I find myself with problems, insecurities and things that I still dwell on. How much more do these kids who grow up in homes where they are beaten, sexually abused or neglected need healing? How much more are their lives affected because of these things? For me, healing is such a hard, messy process. I can’t imagine what it’s like for those children.

Healing is such an important thing, not only for the children and adults still dealing with problems, but also for ourselves. We need to be healed so we can help bring healing to these children. This week I found myself asking, “What can I do?” “How can I help these children heal?” Even more so, “Can these children get healing even when they are in these horrible situations?”

God has really healed my heart this week and made me look even deeper into who He is and what He has for me in the future. I’ve been able to let go of so many things from my past and I feel ready and excited to start living in the present and looking forward to how I can help others in the future through what I’ve learned.

1 Response to "Inner Healing Week..."

Rachel Grimes Says:

thanks for sharing your heart!