Local Outreach...
Posted by Amanda , Sunday, March 7, 2010 9:07 AM
On Wednesday, a few of us took a nice, little journey to a daycare center about half an hour from the base. Instead of going to Casa Viva with the foster care kids, I think we will start going to this place for outreach every week. It was a really cool place, with kids ranging from about one to six years old. It’s funny how they all try to grab your attention, grab your hand and want you to play with them. A few of us girls went and helped out with the kids that were around one to three years old. It took them a little while to warm up to us, but in the end we were running around, playing ball and being silly. There were around eight children and only one adult to watch after them. The whole time we were there she constantly had her hands full, changing diapers, getting food, cleaning up vomit. It was an eventful day, but for the woman in charge it was just a normal day. It was nice that we were able to help her out and play with the kids while she did all of those things. The kids here are great and I’m excited for outreach, where I will be able to work with kids every day. I can’t even imagine the smiles I’m going to see, the stories I’ll have to tell and the kids that are going to touch my heart. I can’t wait for six months of that!