Special Creatures
Posted by Amanda , Wednesday, May 12, 2010 10:09 PM
If there is one thing I've always been a big fan of...
it's the fact that every single person is special and unique.
Honestly, I can't get over it. It shocks me. There is not a single person on this entire planet that is the exact same as someone else. Our thought system, brain, heart, skin, eyes, toes, mouth, nose are all different from everyone elses. No one thinks in the exact same way as you. No one feels in their hearts in the exact same way as you. No one enjoys things in the exact same way as you.
So...it makes me wonder why we compare ourselves to each other. Or why we elevate people because they are "beautiful" or "outgoing" or "talented." Why do we regard a person as better than another because of these things? Because it's just not true.
My entire life, I have always had people that have told me I'm "too shy" and "need to speak more." For awhile, I struggled with the thought that it was my downfall. "Well, I'm a good person, but...I don't talk enough and that's a bad thing" was always rambling through my head. It wasn't until later in my teen years that I realized that God made me a bit timid. But that's okay, I still connect with people and hold amazing relationships. I'm still a human being that God created with special love and care.
I've worked with kids a lot and throughout the Children at Risk school, I thought a lot about how important words are to children--well to anyone really. As I work with these kids in the river everyday, I think about the things I heard as a child or things that my friends heard. I think about what these children might hear. I think, more than anything, I want these kids--and everyone else--to know that they are great as they are. That they don't have to put up masks or try to be what people want them to be. God made them to be just as they are, to do the things they like to do and to feel and think the way that is natural to them. I don't want them to ever feel inferior because of beauty or talent or things that people tell them. Even if you don't have a single talent (which everyone has at least one), you are still a human being and God created you with special love, attention and detail.
There are no mistakes.
I just want kids to know this. To know they can grow up just as they are.
The kids that I'm working with are treasures. They have the world inside of them. They are full of life. They are special.
They are unique.
And every day I just can't wait to spend more time with them.
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