One of the hardest things in life...
Posted by Amanda , Monday, June 21, 2010 12:27 AM
is having words in your heart that you can't utter. --James Earl Jones
I love words and writing.
It's exciting to me. Trying to capture a thought, a moment, a feeling through words.
Truly there is no comparison to what words can do.
But sometimes, I feel like they suck. they just don't work.
They are incapable of describing in full my thoughts and feelings and experiences.
Words do not do them justice.
So then, maybe a photograph can explain better...
*snap* *snap* *snap*
That may show some different aspects that maybe weren't described with words.
You definitely get a lot more details that way.
But it still leaves something to be desired.
Some strong emotion, some strange sense inside yourself that cannot be captured through a photograph or conveyed through words...
"Something is missing."
What could that something be?
Perhaps the fact that the experience is yours, and no one else's.
The fact that, no matter how hard you try...that same experience will never resonate the same way with anyone else the way that it did with you.
It's not just that they have to experience it themselves, which might help them understand much better...even to the point of almost understanding your words and pictures.
It's that ultimately, despite the words and pictures, despite pouring out your heart...
no one will ever have the same experience as you.
Now to me, this is exciting, although slightly frustrating because I want so badly for everyone to understand the experiences I'm having.
Especially the experiences that are occuring here, in Jaco.
But it's also quite thrilling, because I am constantly filling myself up with experiences and adventures that will never be had by another person.
I mean, who else can experience a sweet hug from a child in the river, or an unexpected walk through a plant tunnel, or the sweet smell of the ocean mixed with the strong smell of garbage?
But I'm glad that we are all having experiences and that they are all very different from each others.
This makes me wonder how we can ever get bored of talking.
Just sharing with each other our different perceptions of one event should be able to keep us talking for hours.
Despite all these silly words I've just written, that I still do not feel do justice to the thoughts roaming through my head and have not captured all that is in my heart...
I do hope you have felt the joy of the experiences I've had here in Jaco. And that at some point in time I will also be able to explain the sadness, the laughter, the frustration, the beauty and just the full adventure of my life in the past few months.
And since you are not here with me, and I am providing no pictures at the moment...
Words will just have to do.
like it, love it... want more of it ;-)