
Posted by Amanda , Thursday, January 28, 2010 2:29 PM

This week I found an article from one of my favorite magazines, Relevant, that talked about an organization called 100cameras. I was so excited to read the article and even more excited to check out the website. Basically, the article talks about this project to give cameras to children in underprivileged areas and let them photograph the world through their eyes. Then, they sell these photographs and use the money to improve the community that the children are living in.
The whole point is to raise awareness and to empower the children and their communities.
To read the article, click here.
To me, this is so awesome because my vision is to give children a voice and also to help others see what these children are seeing. I can’t think of a better way to do this. Also, it’s really cool because it’s helping children to develop their talents and see that they can make a difference.
The organization has just started within the past year and they have already begun projects in Sudan and the Lower East Side. They could really use our prayer right now for their project, as well as the children and communities they are working with.

Here are some things you can pray for:
*That because of this project, more children would be able to have a voice and show people the world through their eyes.
*The leaders of the project would have wisdom and support in keeping this project going.
*People would help start raising awareness, buying photographs and helping the communities of these children.
*Others would be inspired in many creative ways to help give these children a voice and also that more children would be empowered to explore their talents and skills.
Also, check out Relevant's new Magazine: REJECT APATHY
and the website for the 100cameras project!

1 Response to "100cameras"

Leslie Says:

I love your blog, Amanda!