Local Outreach!

Posted by Amanda , Sunday, January 24, 2010 11:54 AM

This week’s outreaches were awesome! On Wednesday we went to work with some of the kids that are in foster care. Three of the guys from my team and I went to a park and played soccer with two of the little boys for over an hour! I found out that I was definitely not made to be a goalie, but we still had so much fun and the boys really enjoyed it. Afterwards we got them some ice cream and just hung out for a little bit. They were so precious. We were also able to go meet up with our other team and hang out with the other kids we will be working with. They are all amazing kids with such sweet hearts.

On Saturday, we went to work with Metro Ministries. Each week they take a van and travel to different locations to have mini-church with the kids in the area. We went around with the leader of the ministry, Scott, and rounded up some kids. Then we set up the van, had some worship, played some games (involving water balloons) and just enjoyed time with the kids.

My Spanish went through its first practice session this week (something I’ll need to work on) but it is still so awesome to me that you can communicate so much without using any words. I definitely want to try and talk to the kids more, but I also know that smiles, laughter and hugs can do just as much as words can.

I was really excited about what we did on Saturday because I feel like that’s how I see God the easiest, through playing and laughing with kids. I love working in poor areas because the kids in these areas just amaze me. They are still so alive and vibrant even through the circumstances they are living in and it’s really such an inspiration to me. It’s funny how I think I’m going in to help these kids, but they end up blessing me! I just love that so much.

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